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  • In the Book of Joshua is the story of how Achan, having stolen some gold, was ordered to be burnt; and how Joshua and the Israelites took

    God and my Neighbour Robert Blatchford 1897

  • In the Book of Joshua is the story of how Achan, having stolen some gold, was ordered to be burnt; and how Joshua and the Israelites took

    God and my Neighbour Robert Blatchford 1897

  • In the Book of Joshua is the story of how Achan, having stolen some gold, was ordered to be burnt; and how Joshua and the Israelites took

    God and my Neighbour Robert Blatchford 1897

  • Indeed, the Book of Joshua describes a long campaigne of conquest and genocide that would be compared with what the German Nazis did if it happened today.

    Haeckel had a point - The Panda's Thumb 2010

  • In the Book of Joshua, it is Rahab, a prostitute, who helps Joshua conquer Jericho by hiding his spies in her house.

    The Bible's Lost Stories 2007

  • According to the Book of Joshua, after all, Hazor's destruction did not conform to Aharoni's sequencing of these historical events.

    The Chicago Blog: The dispute over Facts on the Ground 2006

  • According to the Book of Joshua, after all, Hazor's destruction did not conform to Aharoni's sequencing of these historical events.

    The Chicago Blog: November 2006 Archives 2006

  • Some modern critics speak of a Hexateuch, introducing the Book of Joshua as one of the group.

    Easton's Bible Dictionary M.G. Easton 1897

  • It was doubtless in exchange for the purple that the "goodly Babylonish garment" of which we are told in the Book of Joshua (vii. 21) made its way to the city of Jericho, for Babylonia was as celebrated for its embroidered robes as Canaan was for its purple dye.

    Patriarchal Palestine 1889

  • It is at least nowhere to be traced in the first half of the Book of Joshua, and so we cannot reckon as part of it those extensive sections of the second half, belonging to the

    Prolegomena Julius Wellhausen 1881


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